Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Learn From The Bow Wow

Why most of us fail in marketing?

1 of the biggest reason is. We're not persistent enough.

Now I don't mean spamming persistent. I meant "Bow Wow" Persistent.

Now I'm gonna show you the best marketer in the market. A Bow Wow.
Don't give me that bewildered look.
Just want you to think about it. When a Bow Wow wants something. What does it do?

Depending from Bow Wow to another Bow Wow Wow. It might start with a whine. Moving around the house. Growling. Wagging its tail. The puppy eyes. They could come up with lots of ideas just to get your attention. In the end you'll have no choice but to give in to them.

In marketing the important factor that we always forget (or got lazy to do) is the follow up.

We rarely follow it through. No consumers or client will buy your product with the first view. It ain't a love at first sight relation. (maybe for some)

We need to coax them. Reassure them. Show them how genuine we are. Just like how a Bow Wow does it.

Bow Wow

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