Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why SEO Is Important

Why SEO Is Important

A Picture speaks a thousand words.
When a Consumer searches... This is their habitual habits online.

So... If you're working towards a Natural SEO marketing.....
Get it towards the 'Legitimate' zone for best results.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

3 Important Points to Know For A Successful Adsense Campaign

It's been........ less than 10 minutes since I last posted.

Hi again.

Now I'm going to touch on one of the favorites of most internet marketers. Adsense.(A.S)

How to keep the $ rolling in with A.S.

Here's a 3 important points you MUST keep in mind if you wanna go for A.S marketing.
  • Ads Placement
  • Target Niche
  • Cost Per Click
I'm going to make this VERY brief... So if you don't understand, just re-read and pray hard you would understand or (you could drop a comment and I'll try my best to make you understand.)

The 3 points that I've listed are VERY important to get you A.S working.

Ads Placement
You might have heard this, or read this dozens of times and you're gonna read it here again.
Over the years Readers / Viewers / Consumers / Audiences / have created an immune system towards Ads.

The normal banner / leaderboard / footer / sky scraper... just doesn't cut it anymore. Cause People know they are Ads.... 
Now here's the tricky part.. "But we have to let them know they are ads right? If not Google would be banning us."
Yes we do. But we just can't place them at the normal places... By stating 'normal' 
I meant at the corner of the blog, or by the side... Just doing the 'normal' routine ads always do... Something like a pimp at the corner of the street... that sounds so wrong...

Try to imagine this... in a mall people are avoiding the you know, "Survey counters" Cause they are taking up too much time and provide you with nothing. So what do you do?
You make your "Survey Agents" run around... Place them at places where the shoppers are moving around most of the time. In aisle.

I'm not asking you to do tricks or what sort... I'm advising you to place the ads at where the "eyes of the readers" are most frequently moving.

Target Niche
Same story: Mall. Survey Counters.

If aisle 7 is the baby products department, don't go putting a liquor survey counter over there.

I know that might sound extreme... And you might be shouting now "We don't control the ads Google Place!!!"

Unless you're running a specialty shop, putting a survey counter directly at the entrance just doesn't work.

Try this, put tracking codes on your ad. Different tracking codes for your home page and your post page.
And trust me, post page would get more clicks than the home page. (UNLESS YOU'RE RUNNING A SPECIALTY SHOP) that means your WHOLE site is a micro niche site.

Now this theory would totally trash the old online advertising methods into the bin... Why?
Old advertising campaign: Home page placement = Best slot.
(Not true now) 

Readers that go to your post page are more likely to click on the ad thats... Let's say 80% - 100% related to the content.

But if your home page is let's say 70% relevance content.... Google might just place a 30% related ad there....
There won't be clicks there.

So this means... "If possible"... making that post page fully optimize to a targeted micro niche for Google to place at least a 80% related ad there...
Remember... Everything you're doing is to keep the readers interested.... 

If the ads is not interesting 1 thumb down... If the ads is not related ... 2 thumbs down... And it will just end up as a spot that looks good but doesn't bring in the $$.

Here's something I did. 
Local Market + Targeted niche. So my keywords would be a "Local" + "Niche" (and I optimized it that way)

Here's what Google did.
Placing all "Local" Ads.... totally unrelated to my niche... Well not actually all... They do place on certain occasions, ads that are related to my niche. That's where I notice an increase in clicks.

Now you might be asking... Aren't we providing leads to our competitors? 
Now I'm asking.... We want readers to click.... It doesn't matter whether it's a competitor's site or who's site... All matters is that we're earning the $$.. that's why it's called a A.S site.... 
(Well if you don't want your competitors getting the traffic, you could block them in your A.S Account)

Cost Per Click / C.P.C
Here's something that most newbies tend to forget... If you're going for the A.S marketing.. CPC is a must for research...

Why I place this as a last point, it's cause..... I'm thinking how to explain this... 

Let's put it this way... You work hard.... you get clicks on your site, let's say 10 clicks... each click earns you $0.50.

This other guy, works slightly smarter. He gets 10 clicks too... but his each click earns him $2.00.

Now both of you might be doing the same work, same niche.. BUT targeted on a different keyword and it produces different results.... Sad case huh?

So.... I'm emphasizing on that.... Don't do double the work to reap the same amount of fruits... 
just do a 0.5 smarter work.

Oh... To research on CPC just use the Google adwords: Keyword tool.. And enable the CPC column. 


I know the survey counter example sucks...........

Sure is Dusty Here

Sweet! Been a year since I've posted here. Maybe less than a year. But it sure did felt long...

The First marketing tip I'm gonna give since a long while is this...

Don't keep your readers hanging... hahaha

(I didn't really meant to 'abandon' this site for a whole year, just to prove that point)

Well I've been busy locally, learning, experimenting and such... What I've been experimenting? 
Hmmm Mostly on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) And affiliate marketing... And!
Been trying out a way to do SEO without using any $$ Ka-Ching... Well basically I'm trying to do everything without a capital.... 

Using free sources all over the web!

Don't rush me, I'm not gonna start a E-book on that anytime soon... I notice there's one thing that I sucks at.... And that is selling marketing..

Now let me try to do a re-introduction...

Marketing 2 EZ....  
is like..... You can call a Tiger a Cat... But you can't call a Cat a Tiger.... And THAT doesn't make this any simpler....

Ok, more about me.... I prefer bringing the term "informal" into teaching... Cause that way we absorb at a much better rate.. So if my jokes are lame, bear with me...

Here's a brief summary of where the direction this site / blog is heading.

Most of my works are done / base on blogspot. So I'll be teaching on a blogspot platform... or should I say I'll only be teaching on blogspot platform... So if you're a wordpress lover just like most of the internet marketers out there.... You might not gain much from .. here..

I'm not a guru, just a learner like you. I teach you, you teach me. That's the way things go around here..... Hey it's my playground! hehehe.

We'll be exploring, (Yes you and me) on Google software (Cause they are free).
And they do provide a whole lot of stuff for us to play with.... But we just need to be careful on where we step...

I'll be guiding through the codings, (html) to make your blogspot looks ... more 'static' or more like a site..
Well that information could be easily gathered on the web... But I'll be putting it together here to save you time... And (Nope I'm not starting a E-book anytime soon. So you have to visit me here frequently.)

Next advice, if you're learning article SEO... Don't copy what I'm writing here or don't even learn what I'm writing here... Cause these articles ARE NOT SEO friendly.

Here's a phrase I'll like to share before I end this post.
The beauty of words is to bend the rules of writing and to achieve the flow of reading.


Keep this in mind whenever you're writing. You're writing for the readers NOT the search engines.
You might rank first, but if readers are only coming for the first visit and totally put you on their black list, it totally defeats the purpose of coming in first.

And that phrase also means..... Write for who's reading. Don't go all technical terms for someone who doesn't understand geek language.

With this! I shall end here.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

It's a New Year. Let's get started on a fresh page shall we?